Swelter Designs

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I founded Swelter Designs in November of 2006 as one part of an effort to engage people in global warming and democracy action. ClimateCards are the result, combining my passions for activism with a lifelong love of photography and design. I hope you will find ClimateCards useful in our efforts to protect the Earth for our seventh generation and beyond.

Thanks for visiting the Swelter site, and contact us, with comments or suggestions, or just to say hello (well, buying something would certainly be appreciated too)!


Adam D. Sacks
for Swelter Designs

Footnote: The cute kid on the Extinction card is me, circa 1950. The horrified adult on the Scared card is also me, circa 2006. Not that I necessarily want to be a star on an unnerving greeting card, but it was an easy way to get a cheap model while the business is in startup mode!